Saturday, August 28, 2004

mini-vacation to Mexico, MO

It took me awhile to get this posted. I had been following the development of Sport Pilot rule and I had found this intriguing company that made all metal kits of planes that would meet the Sport Pilot rules. The open hanger day was August 28 in Mexico MO - about 250 miles from Homer. So I pulled out the camper and packed up the gear.

So after getting everything packed up I head off to the CCSCC road rally - it is late August - hot so I have to leave Daisy in the truck idling for 3.5 hours. I hit the road for Mexico at around 11 pm and we arrive at the ACOE camp site at Mark Twain Lake in the early morning.

For images of the planes and the factory see: Open Hanger Day

For more information about the company see:

The plane I would be most interested in: Zodiac 601 LX

For more information about the FAA Sport Pilot Rule: EAA Sport Pilot Rule

After talking to the folks from the factory, other builders and other interested persons I feel that Zenith has a plane kit that one could really build in ones garage.
a wing

Daisy patiently waited at the end of the road to the airport under a tree.


After the open hanger day we headed back to the camp ground to really set up camp at Mark Twain Lake Army Core of engineers recreation area.


Monday, August 23, 2004

yard work

After working on the car Saturday I needed to put some time in around the house.

I started on my snow bush or whatever it is called. It has been getting a bit unruly for several years now so just trimming the new growth isn't going to do it - I needed to hack it back some. So that is just what I did.

I also trimmed a limb from the south side maple that was always in my face when mowing.

I also trimmed the English Ivy on the north side.

Wednesday, August 18, 2004

Back riding - Replaced front brake pads

After much existed persuasion from Ms. Daisy and as my wounds have healed I decided to let her have her run. Before riding I decided change the pads again, it turns out I only needed to tighten the rear brakes and replace the front pads - they were kind of worn out. (see below)

Since my knee was still scabbed over I let Daisy do all the exercising. She seems much calmer now.

Friday, August 13, 2004

%*&^#$ Daisy

It was only a matter of time I guess, plus this being Friday the 13th it was a day good for my luck to run out, Ms. Daisy pulled me off the bike on her exercise ride. I had tried to take a slightly different route than normal and at first I though she would slack up and let me lead her but no - as I started to turn right she took off at full power left and rather than try to stop or follow I turned and leaned in harder to the right but then the front tire started to skid along in the gravel and I went down. This wouldn't have been so bad if we were not at speed - maybe 7-10 mph or so. As I started to lose control of the bike I release the rope but I ended up skidding along the gravel a few feet. I tore up the heals of both my hands, my right knee & elbow and this morning in the shower I noticed road rash on my shoulder too. (since the shirt was torn like my jeans I am assuming that was from friction of the fabric) I am still limping around from a bruised knee - it will be a few days before I venture out on the bike with her again. I think I will also replace the brake pads, they were just replaced in APRIL 2004 but the rear are almost metal to metal and the front don't have much life left in them.

Once I brushed myself off I let her pull me home, with no extra power from me.

Normally, she slacks up when I slow her down before an intersection as she did this time but rather than waiting for me to chose the direction she took off at full power on the regular route and I was foolish enough to try to make her change course.

I have developed a good system for dragging her along when she tries to stop and smell some other dogs "roses" by shifting to a low gear and dragging her along. For turns she lets me set the direction then takes off at full power in the direction we are now traveling - this time she didn't wait more then long enough for me to see that no cars were coming. Next time I will make her come to a complete stop before deviating from the regular route.

BR5-49 at the Highdive

I went to see BR5-49 at the Highdive in Champaign. Great show, I think WWHP had a live broadcast too - at least a remote. I need to remember to listen to them online since their signal just barely reaches Homer.

JAKEHEAD opened the show, they were quite good - a rock-a-billy type band (note I am not a expert when it come to placing bands)three guys, standup base, drummer and guitar/singer. The drummer looked like he was really enjoying performing, having a great time.

Sunday, August 08, 2004

Rachel Crider weds John Finnegan

Here are two pictures of Mr. & Mrs. John Finnegan leaving on the groom's 1952 John Deere model A High Crop.

The wedding was held at Robert Allerton park near Monticello IL, August 7, 4:30 pm.

Thursday, August 05, 2004

Ideas for the back of my house

I have been working on some ideas for the back of my house, my original idea is to build a simple greenhouse area to allow access to a the basement stairs and out to a future deck. This will give me room to expand the kitchen to have room for a small table and still keep the laundry in an accessible area.

The only problem was I couldn't come up with a design that would effectually allow me to keep the new roof of the glassroom under the eve of the existing back of the house. Once I more of less have accepted that I am going to have to extend a gable onto the existing roof I could continue along with my original idea for this area.

Here is a fancy version of my idea:

My idea for this plan - is only 13 feet wide by about 7 feet deep - a very rough sketch.

I am thinking about construction the glass in the style of an old glasshouse - like this on at Allerton Park:

a close up of the wood frame construction: