Monday, May 23, 2005

Teak Oil

Nothing big to report today

Tonight after watering the new flowers I sanded down my porch cedar bench and applied a good coat of Watco's Teak Oil. It is much redder now and I hope the finish lasts for a while. Teak Oil is suppose to soak in a harden in the wood not just seal the surface.

Look for spring flowers & driveway pictures to be back posted soon.

(see post on May 18, 2004 for an image of the bench, also the Danthis has come back for the second year now)

Sunday, May 22, 2005

Parking Area

I finally got that mess of a parking area cleaned up around the garage. I got rid of all the extra dirt & rock. I cleared out an additional 24 by 24 foot space along the alley for extra parking space since there is just 23 feet between the garage and the alley. Once I had the area leveled I placed Tyvek landscape fabric down to keep the gravel from mixing with the soil so I hopefully will not need to do this job again. All that was left was to spread out 15 tons of road pack, because of the angle the driver couldn't really "tailgate" dump the load but he did spread it out some along the length so I didn't need to move the gravel all that far.

Tyvek, notice I used bricks to gauge the depth of the gravel

above is the parking area with just a bit of the gravel left to spread

the last of the gravel smoothed out