Tuesday, November 07, 2006

The thin gray line...

After the reception, catching up with old buddies and getting to know their kids etc and wishing the groom and bride best wishes. I was able to catch up with Jim and Holly the next morning – Jim found a nice basic café in Elkton. Jim’s parents welcomed Grizzy into their home and Grizzly really enjoyed their view of Mole Hill. What a beautiful location for a home – overlooking Mole Hill and the western mountains of the Valley. I had been explaining my route to, well anyone who would listen, I showed Jim, Holly and his parents the route but I had pointed out that I had really wanted to run the road shown on the WV state map as a thin grey to the east of 220/28.

On my return trip it was hard to find the road – I ended up turning around at Old Fields and driving back 2 miles to find the little road. I couldn’t identify the road from WV 55 – it isn’t much of a road 40 mph but it is running down and along another valley. After a ways suddenly I come to a cut – not a highway department cut but the ridge was cut by a stream running to the South Potomac River http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&hl=en&q=39.2242,-78.854&ie=UTF8&z=14&ll=39.224674,-78.854027&spn=0.032314,0.085831&om=1&iwloc=addr What a nice river it is – note the gentle rapids – and there is a Canoe Rental/shuttle service there too www.wvcanorentals.com . It seems they call the place Trough for the cut I guess. While taking the camera out for a shot I noticed a slow train coming down the valley – it turns out that is the Potomac Eagle Excursion Train running between Romney and Mooresville. (I guess it doesn’t run up to Cumberland MD like I thought it did when passing the station on Saturday.) www.potomaceagle.com

As I head on down the South Fork of the Potomac River valley I discover what a nice river it will be to canoe and what a nice Valley – note how high the road is from the Valley floor a few miles back. While running down the “Trough Road WV8” isn’t a time saving route but it is a really nice drive and I found a new river to run. In the future I will keep the route in mind for heading to the mid Shenandoah Valley.