Saturday, May 02, 2009

Lights on the top of the stairs

Finally, after many weeks/months I have lights at the top of my stairs again. The last connections were made today linking an arc fault protected circuit into the original wiring in the attic. I have lived without a foyer light, and used a timer at the top of the second floor staircase. Once I verified the wiring it was just a matter of hooking it back up since the 70 year old wires are in good shape and I have lights at the top of my stairs again. Soon I will spread the new insulation over the existing insulation to keep some of the summer heat out of the house. First, however, I need to complete running phone, ethernet and coax into the bedrooms.

One thought I have is I may be able to wire the porch light into a photocell control so the lights will be on when I come home in the winter - otherwise I need to leave the lights on all day to have to unlock the door. Now that I know were the junction box for the switch and the line running to the light is it shouldn't be too hard - just it will be installed in the attic facing north.

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Friday, May 01, 2009

May Flowers

After all of April's rain the may flowers are beginning to bloom. Many of the tultips were broken off by 30+ mph winds earlier in the week. Grizzy enjoying a nice rub in the lawn after his daily walk were on garage sale weekend we found an ironing board for the occasional few time a year when I need one.

Tomorrow I will unload the truck of it's load of edgers for the south side of the house.

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