Sunday, September 13, 2009

Stained Front Steps

I was getting tired of the water stained pressure treated replacement steps so I got some stain and stained the steps. It is a little lighter than the floor enamel but at least looks better than the plain pressure treated wood.

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Saturday, September 12, 2009


I haven't been blogging about movies or entertainment much. I suppose if I did this would be a more active blog. I was randomly reading some blogs bouncing from subject to subject, somehow I found my way to a posting about "Queen & Country" in development. From there I found out that the movie Whiteout is based on the work of the author of "Queen & Country" so off to the movies I go.

Good film, good story - nothing really new - generally predictable plot but a good story with some good characters - decent actors and acting. Something new or more unique would be Dristict 9 one of the best SciFi movies of many years. This years Star Trek was excellent but District 9 is a really good film -plus it's ability to make social commentary in the context of the film where no one will notice it. (Note the movie character game at the bar seen in Inglorious Bastards - Eli Roth described this once on The Treatment - either 2007 or 2003 - I can't remember.)

So I drop by Borders (now that my local Bookstore has closed) and pick up a copy of "Queen & Country". I read it today - my first real delving into Graphic novels beyond Whedon's Serenity comics. At around 120 pages Queen & Country I guess is what is classified as Graphic novel.

Good story and illustration so I suppose I will read the next three.

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Wednesday, September 09, 2009

HDTV Mount coming together

My planned HDTV stand is finally coming together. It is constructed out of 1 by 2 inch red oak, some carriage bolts and blind nuts. It is adjustable for various room heights and TV viewing heights - plus some tilt functionality. This is based on an earlier bike rack I made for my sister. This time I am using round captured nuts and dowels rather than more extensive 1/4 carriage bolts in that project. Since I am sourcing my hardware from retail sources it is more expensive than I planned but much stronger.

A floor drill press has made short work of the multiple holes drilled into oak. Torque is good

The top plate, now with 10 separate holes in it for dowels, bolts and round captured nuts.

An elevator bolt to tighten against the ceiling. Note this is designed to be secured against ceilings were the joists run perpendicular to the wall.

Cap bolts secure the 3/4 inch square metal tube o the 1 by 3 using round captured nuts. (visible in image when test installed on the TV).

Test install - note oblong adjustment holes to allow for tilting.

Any interested parties need to contact me soon so I can make templates of existing parts before finishing.

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