Tuesday, February 09, 2010

Snow - digging out a spot for the car

We got another 6-8 inches in the last 24 hours - this on top of the snow from this weekend.  Now nothing like the 31 inches my sister got but it is cold here and blowing. 

Griz and I only made it down to first street when I got a face full of wind so I turned up an alley and headed back home.  Winds blowing 25 and gusts to 40 so all the snow on the ground is going to start moving. 

On my way home from work today I could hardly see the road as it was covered in about 6 inches of ground storm - swirling snow so thick I could not see the road surface but the roads were more or less clear.

Homer did a good job keeping the streets clean so I dug out my walk, sidewalk and a parking spot up front. 

Saturday, February 06, 2010

New Condensate Pump

I finally installed a condensate pump.  Nice little pump and in my first 24 hours it pumped about 2 gallons of water - that is allot of water from combustion in 24 hours - I wonder how many $$$ of natural gas it takes to make that much water in a 94% efficient furnace.

Of course no project can be completed without a trip to the hardware store. I need to get a "T" and a few parts so that the new pump is ready for the A/C condensate once I get the A/C hooked up this year. 

The pump came with hose and it almost made it to the drain - in the end I used some of the original pipe to guide it down the wall to over the drain.