Winter storm - time for that last storm window
With a prediction of a high around -9F for Monday (low of -17F) I decided it was time to install that last storm window. I have not yet updated this window to a new or aluminum storm window as it outer size will likely be changed when the kitchen is renovated. In fact this is something I want to do prior to painting the exterior but I have had a hard time finding suitable replacement siding.
In any case I removed the wood storm window latches when removing the paint. I tossed most of them thinking I was not going to need them ever again - forgetting about one window - the kitchen window. Damn
I went to install the window back in December and discovered my problem. Good news is I still have some around - bad news - this is a shot of two from the second floor bathroom window...
In the end I used drywall screws and washers for the top "hooks" and blocks of wood for the side. A very tight fit - makes me think that the old wooden windows may be better than the aluminum windows - perhaps a slightly tighter fit but the aluminum storm and screens are far easier to manage - especially since I will use A/C most of the summer.
Maggie enjoying the snow. We took a walk down to First Street and over to Main up to 4th Street. She had snow sticking to her ears by the time we got home.
I set up the Subaru so I can charge it overnight - and the truck too - now to find that timer... With windchill's predicted to be in the -40F range I want to ensure the batteries do not freeze. I almost pulled the ES out and parked the Subaru inside - got find some more car storage space.
Next to finish some laundry - a wool sock load and maybe shirts. I am going to cut off water to the laundry and drain back just to be safe. (only water in outside walls - had the cold freeze once - no damage - warm worked, figured it out when the rinse cycle did not fill).
Got pork in the crock pot for lunch.