Sunday, July 04, 2004

Pumps & Parades

I got the mini-deck built to mount my cistern pump and hide the plumbing for the irrigatrion supply system.

This shallow well jet pump with controls and mini-tank will provide me water for irrigation - it puts out more pressure that the city system.

Now the nice thing about a small town - you can be working in your back yard and hear the parade starting, hook up the dog, hop on the bike & be on the route before the first part of it gets there.

(I am glad the coroner didn't have his sign on a plain white van like the county clerk, someone might have thought he was in town making a pickup...)

one of two pre-schools

The man who I'll vote for congress (an young ER doctor running for congress, shook his hand - of course I shook Rose Perot's hand too and we know how well he did even with my vote)

The Cub Scouts. - That is a segway

NOW for something that is truly important BBQ ON PARADE - pulled by a Willis FC160 (forward control - 4wd). Yes a real wood burning BBQ shack - nothing cooking yet but I could smell the wood.

YES, a BBQ FLOAT IN THE HOMER 4th of JULY PARADE - I'll bet no one else's parade had a real BBQ float! (I can hear Steve drooling - not only that but I can get real cane sugar Coke, R/C, Pepsi and Belemiums(sp?) Ginger Ale down the street too)

The republicans contingent seemed a little lite - most of the candidates must not have wanted to be associated with them this year... (one senior republican) Of course to be fair there was no democratic banner with anyone, however this is a republican county - except for Urbana)

No, the jeep isn't being pulled over for speeding (today at least) the Homer Police vehicle was pulling sweeper duty.

For those that don't believe it here it is a again BBQ on Parade!!
Pulled by a Willis FC160


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